Valerio Ferrario

Università degli studi di Trieste

Valerio Ferrario is currently a Research Associate at University of Trieste, in the laboratory of computational and applied biocatalysis headed by Professor Lucia Gardossi. His work deals with computational methods for in-silico enzyme evolution and it is part of the FP7 project IRENE (In-silico Rational Engineering of Novel Enzymes).
He got his degree in pharmaceutical biotechnology at the University of Milan, Italy in 2005, under the supervision of Professor Francesco Molinari, working on application of microbial cell in organic solvents for biocatalytic transformations.
He worked from 2007 to 2010 in the group of Professor Lucia Gardossi on the development of computational methods for describing the conformational behaviour of lipases in different media. That work was part of his PhD thesis that was defended on April 2010.
Further professional experiences:
Research fellow sponsored by Industriale Chimica s.r.l. Saronno, Italy, from 2005 to 2007, working on of biocatalytic selective reduction and hydroxylation of steroids.
Research fellow granted by ERASMUS placement, working at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, from June to September 2008 under the supervision of Professor Siewert-Jan Marrink on coarse grained molecular dynamic simulation of enzymes.
